The using keyword is used to:
and cout
in the current scope#include <iostream>int main() {using std::string;using std::cout;string s = "Hello World";cout << s;return 0;}
namespace in the current scope#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {cout << "Hello World";return 0;}
in the scope of the Derived
class#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base {public:void greet() {cout << "Hello from Base" << endl;;}};class Derived : Base {public:using Base::greet;void greet(string s) {cout << "Hello from " << s << endl;// Instead of recursing, the greet() method// of the base class is called.greet();}};int main() {Derived D;D.greet("Derived");return 0;}
in the scope of the Derived
class#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base {public:void sum(int a, int b) {cout << "Sum: " << a + b << endl;;}};class Derived : protected Base {public:using Base::sum;};int main() {Derived D;// Due to protected inheritance, all the public methods// of the base class become protected methods of the// derived class. If the using keyword word was not used,// calling sum like this would not have been possible.D.sum(10, 20);return 0;}
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