Use Case Diagram for the Meeting Scheduler

Learn how to define use cases and create the corresponding use case diagram for the meeting scheduler problem.

Let's build the use case diagram of the meeting scheduler and understand the relationship between its different components.

First, we'll define the different elements of the meeting scheduler system, followed by the complete use case diagram of the system.


Our system is a "meeting scheduler."


Now, we'll define the main actors of the meeting scheduler.

Primary actors

  • Scheduler: This actor can schedule and cancel meetings and book and release meeting rooms.

  • User: This actor can accept and reject invitations and will decide their presence for the meetings.

Secondary actors

  • System: This is responsible for sending out notifications regarding any new meetings or cancellations.

Use cases

In this section, we'll define the use cases for the meeting scheduler. We have listed the use cases according to their respective interactions with a particular actor.


  • Schedule/Cancel meeting: To schedule a new meeting or cancel an existing one

  • Book/Release room: To book a room for a meeting or release it


  • Attend meeting: To attend a meeting

  • Accept/Reject meeting: To accept or reject a meeting invitation


  • Send invite notification: To send a notification of any new meeting invitations

  • Send cancelation notification: To send a notification of any meeting cancellations


We describe the relationships between and among actors and their use cases in this section.


The table below shows the association relationship between actors and their use cases.