Learn how to define use cases and create the corresponding use case diagram for the airline management system.
Let's build the use case diagram of the airline management system and understand the relationship between its different components.
First, we’ll define the different elements of our airline, followed by the complete use case diagram of the system.
Our system is an "airline."
Now, we’ll define the main actors of the airline management system.
Primary actors
Customer: The customer is the airline's primary actor who can search for flights, create an itinerary, make a payment, and update or cancel the flight reservation.
Front desk officer: This actor can perform all the actions that the customer can. The front desk officer can create an itinerary, make payment, update or cancel the flight reservation on behalf of customers, assign them seats, and search for flights.
Admin: The admin is in charge of performing numerous operations, like adding aircraft to the system, adding or modifying flights, flight instances, and their schedules, canceling any flight, and assigning crew to the flight.
Secondary actors
System: This actor is responsible for sending notifications for flight status updates, itinerary changes, and reservation cancellations.
Crew: This actor can view the schedules of the assigned flights.
Use cases
In this section, we’ll define the use cases for an airline management system. We have listed the use cases according to their respective interactions with a particular actor.
Note: You’ll see some use cases occurring multiple times because they are shared among different actors in the system.
Customer/front desk officer
Update/cancel reservation: To update or cancel a flight reservation of the customer
Login/logout: To log in or log out of the airline system
Reset password: To reset the password of the account
Create itinerary: To create an itinerary for the customer
Assign seat: To assign a seat to the passenger for the flight
Search flights: To search for flights in the airline management system
Make payment: To pay for the itinerary or flight reservation
View itinerary: To view the details of an itinerary
Cancel itinerary: To cancel the itinerary for the customer
Add aircraft: To add a new aircraft to the airline management system
Add/modify flight: To add a new flight or modify it
Assign crew: To assign crew to the flight instance
Block/unblock user: To block or unblock a user in an airline management system
Cancel flight: To cancel the instance of a flight
Search flights: To search for flights in the airline management system
New itinerary notification: To send a notification of a new itinerary to the customer
Flight status notification: To send the flight status update notification to the customer
Reservation cancel notification: To send a reservation cancellation notification to the customer
View flight schedule: To view the schedule of the assigned flights
We describe the relationships between and among actors and their use cases in this section.
The below table shows the association relationship between actors and their use cases.