Learn how to define use cases and create the corresponding use case diagram for the restaurant management system.
Let’s build the use case diagram for the restaurant management system and understand the relationship between its different components.
First, we’ll define the different elements of our restaurant, followed by the complete use case diagram of the system.
Our system is a "restaurant."
Let’s define the main actors of our restaurant management system.
Primary actors
Guest: This is the restaurant's primary actor who can view the menu, place orders, and make payments.
Receptionist: This actor is responsible for reserving tables and updating the table reservation status.
Waiter: This actor takes the order from the guest and processes the payment.
Manager: This actor acts as the admin of the system and can perform all tasks that a receptionist and a waiter can perform. Other than that, this actor updates the menu and sets the price of food items.
Use cases
In this section, we’ll define the use cases for the restaurant management system. We’ve listed the use cases according to their respective interactions with a particular actor.
Note: You will see some use cases occurring multiple times, because they are shared among different actors in the system.
View menu: To view the food items available in the restaurant
Place order: To place the food order in the restaurant
Add/update order item: To add or remove a food item from the order
Cancel order: To cancel an existing order
View order: To view the item included in the order
Pay bill via cash: To pay the food bill with cash
Pay bill via card: To pay the food bill with the card
Pay bill via check: To pay the food bill with the check
Reserve table: To reserve a table for a guest
Update/cancel reservation: To change the table or cancel the reservation
Add/modify menu section: To add a new section of the food type in the menu
Add/modify menu item: To add a new food item in the food section
Set menu item price: To set the price of a food item
Generate report: To generate an analytical report of orders, inventory, and more
Add/ Update Tables chart: To keep an updated record of the table availability status
Reserve table: To reserve a table for a guest
Update/cancel reservation: To change the table or cancel the reservation
View menu: To view the food item available in the restaurant
Place order: To place a food order in the restaurant
Add/update order item: To add or remove a food item from the order
Cancel order: To cancel an existing order
View order: To view the item included in the order
Process payment: To generate a food bill from the system and receive payment from the guest
Add/ Update Tables chart: To keep an updated record of the table availability status
Reserve table: To reserve a table for a guest
Update/cancel reservation: To change the table or cancel the reservation
View menu: To view the food item available in the restaurant
Place order: To place the food order in the restaurant
Add/update order item: To add or remove a food item from the order
Cancel order: To cancel an existing order
View order: To view the item that is included in the order
Process payment: To generate a food bill from the system and receive payment from the guest.
We describe the relationships between and among actors and their use cases in this section.
The manager is responsible for the receptionist and the waiter. It also has access to everything they both have. Therefore, the “Manager” has a generalization relationship with both “Receptionist” and “Waiter.”
The below table shows the association relationship between actors and their use cases.