React Js

React JS

React JS

Embarking on a career in the tech world offers a lot of exciting opportunities and different landscapes. However, choosing the right path to pursue is integral. React JS emerges as an excellent choice for beginners who are planning to jump into the field of web development.


React JS is a powerful JavaScript library that enables creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces—a skill highly valued in today’s digital-first environment. If you’re planning to start learning to code, React JS stands out not only for its widespread industry adoption but also for its easiest learning curve and expansive community support. React JS can be an ideal entry point for beginner developers to help them land good jobs.

React JS is a powerful JavaScript library that enables creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces—a skill highly valued in today’s digital-first environment. If you’re planning to start learning to code, React JS stands out not only for its widespread industry adoption but also for its easiest learning curve and expansive community support. React JS can be an ideal entry point for beginner developers to help them land good jobs.

What is React JS?

React JS is a popular, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications where a seamless user experience is crucial. It was developed by Facebook and is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React JS allows developers to create large web applications that can change data without reloading the page, leading to fast and responsive web experiences.


At its heart, React JS focuses on the concept of components, which are small, reusable pieces of code that represent a part of the user interface. Each component has its own state and props, allowing for complex applications to be built out of simple building blocks that manage their own content, layout, and behavior. This component-based architecture makes React JS efficient for developers because it promotes reusable code, makes the application easier to develop and maintain, and improves readability.

At its heart, React JS focuses on the concept of components, which are small, reusable pieces of code that represent a part of the user interface. Each component has its own state and props, allowing for complex applications to be built out of simple building blocks that manage their own content, layout, and behavior. This component-based architecture makes React JS efficient for developers because it promotes reusable code, makes the application easier to develop and maintain, and improves readability.

React JS properties

In React JS, state and props are two core concepts that are essential for defining and managing the data that controls the behavior and appearance of components. Understanding these properties is crucial for developing applications with React JS.


React State

Local to the component: State is managed within the component (similar to variables declared within a function). It’s private and fully controlled by the component.

Mutable: State can be changed, usually in response to user actions or system events. Changing state triggers a rerender of the component, which updates the UI.

Initialization and update: State is initialized in the constructor of a class component or by using the useState Hook inside the functional components. It’s updated using the `setState` method in the class components or the setter function returned by the useState Hook inside the functional components.

Use cases: State is used for data that changes over time, like user inputs, timer values, or data fetched from an API.


React Props

Short for properties: Props are read-only configurations that are passed to a component by its parent.

Immutable: Props cannot be modified by the component that receives them. They are intended to provide fixed values and callback functions to components.

Pass data down the component tree: Props are the primary means of passing data from parent components to child components, enabling components to be reused with different data.

Use cases: Props are used for static data that the component receives from its parent, like configuration options or the initial data for rendering.

‘Hello World’ in React

‘Hello World’ in React

import React from 'react';
function HelloEducative() {
const blueTextStyle = {
color: 'blue'
return (
<h1 style={blueTextStyle}>Hello from Educative!</h1>
export default HelloEducative;