Home>Courses>Facebook Login and the Facebook Graph API


1h 30min

Certificate of Completion

Facebook Login and the Facebook Graph API



Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

14 Lessons
20 Playgrounds
11 Quizzes
Course Overview
Course Content

Course Overview

Facebook’s Graph API is the central means for programmatic access to Facebook data. It is the entry point for reading and writing to Facebook’s “social graph”. This course begins with a discussion of the major concepts of the Facebook Graph API. You will learn basic concepts like authentication, authorization, and access tokens. Then, you will build out your mini-project step by step by deploying the "Login with Facebook" web page. By the end, you will have a thorough understanding of how to build API i...Show More
Facebook’s Graph API is the central means for programmatic access to Facebook data. It is the entry point for reading and writi...Show More

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