HomeCoursesGetting Started with SQL and Relational Databases


9h 40min

Getting Started with SQL and Relational Databases
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Gain insights into relational databases and SQL. Learn about creating, managing, and editing tables using MySQL. Explore complex queries, indexes, and join functions for efficient data handling.
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Course Overview

Relational databases store data in a row-based table structure. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a core language used to retrieve data from the relational database. One of its most widely used extensions, MySQL, also gives you the power to edit, create, and manage the queried data. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the basics of relational database management with SQL. You’ll use MySQL to create a table, edit the data, and even change the structure. You’ll also create indexes to quickly access data...Show More
Relational databases store data in a row-based table structure. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a core language used to retri...Show More


Get a strong understanding of relational databases and Structured Query Language (SQL).
Get a working knowledge of creating, managing, and transforming a MySQL data table.
Learn to create and leverage indexes to quickly access data within a database.
Learn to filter, limit, group, and order a database using SQL queries.
Learn to merge multiple tables into a single database using advanced SQL functions.
Get hands-on experience to create, manage, sort, filter, and edit a MySQL database.
Get a strong understanding of relational databases and Structured Query Language (SQL).

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Database Design

Data Extraction

Course Content


Getting Started

6 Lessons

Get familiar with SQL, relational database concepts, data modeling, and database design basics.


Manage MySQL Server

4 Lessons

Get started with managing MySQL Server operations and configurations for optimal performance.


Add Columns and Indexes

9 Lessons

Break down the steps to add columns and manage indexes in SQL.


Count and Sort Records

8 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of creating, inserting, counting, sorting, and limiting SQL records efficiently.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with SQL basics, MySQL fundamentals, and the importance of feedback.
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