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Home>Courses>Advanced React Patterns With Hooks

Advanced React Patterns With Hooks


32 Lessons


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Course Overview

With the release of hooks, certain React patterns have gone out of style. Hooks are likely the way we’ll be writing React components for the next couple of years, so they are quite important. React patterns can still be used, but in most cases, developers will be better off using hooks. For example, they should choose hooks over render props or higher-order components. There may be specific cases where the aforementioned could still be used, but most of the time, hooks are better. That being said, this cour...Show More
With the release of hooks, certain React patterns have gone out of style. Hooks are likely the way we’ll be writing React components for the next couple of years, so they are quite important. React patterns can still be used, but in most cases, developers ...Show More

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