HomeCoursesC++ Programming for Experienced Engineers



C++ Programming for Experienced Engineers
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Gain insights into dynamic memory allocation, creating classes, and functions. Delve into inheritance, I/O, exception handling. Explore 90+ examples to master advanced C++ functionalities.
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Course Overview

If you’re looking to sharpen up your C++ programming skills, then you’re in the right place. You will start with learning about dynamic memory allocation, how to create classes, and constructors. In the latter half of the course, inheritance, functions, I/O, exception handling, and more. Throughout the course, you will study over 90 carefully designed examples aimed to enhance your understanding of the C++ language. By the time you finish this course, you will be able to use more advanced functionality...Show More
If you’re looking to sharpen up your C++ programming skills, then you’re in the right place. You will start with learning about ...Show More

Course Content


Getting Off the Ground

3 Lessons

Get familiar with C++ programming essentials, IDE options, and advanced concept mastery.



7 Lessons

Walk through coding challenges involving US currency, curious numbers, Fibonacci sequence, Sundays, trailing zeros, Cardano triplets, and progressions.


Basic C++ Examples

7 Lessons

Go hands-on with various C++ examples, from data types and arrays to functions.


Classes and Objects Examples

5 Lessons

Follow the process of creating and manipulating C++ classes for complex numbers, matrices, solids, shapes, and time.


More Classes and Objects Examples

6 Lessons

Master the steps to manipulate arrays, rectangles, matrices, and polynomials using advanced class operations.


Function Examples

5 Lessons

Step through various function examples, object tracking, Singleton class, and inline functions.


Function Overloading Examples

5 Lessons

Get started with function overloading through practical examples in C++.


Free Store Examples

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of dynamic memory allocation in C++ through practical examples.


Inheritance Examples

5 Lessons

Take a closer look at inheritance fundamentals, constructors, and multi-level and multiple inheritance in C++.


Virtual Function Examples

3 Lessons

Implement virtual functions and polymorphism to dynamically manage shapes in C++.


Input Output Examples

6 Lessons

Master file and stream manipulation in C++ for enhanced data handling and output formatting.


Template Examples

4 Lessons

Try out templated classes and functions to handle diverse data types efficiently.


Exception Handling Examples

4 Lessons

Get started with handling exceptions, custom error classes, termination handling, and catch-all blocks.


STL Examples

4 Lessons

Go hands-on with STL-based data structures for vector, linked list, telephone book, and bitset.


Miscellaneous Examples

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of advanced smart pointers, member operators, and type conversions in C++.



1 Lessons

Dig deeper into the pivotal C++ concepts like inheritance, templates, and STL.
Certificate of Completion
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