HomeCoursesFull Stack Django and React



Full Stack Django and React
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Gain insights into Django framework fundamentals and advanced topics; discover frontend development with React to build full stack web applications, combining robust backend and dynamic user interfaces.
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Course Overview

In this comprehensive course, you’ll dive into the powerful Django framework, a top choice for developers seeking rapid and clean web development in Python. Alongside mastering Django’s foundational concepts like models, views, and templates, you’ll also delve into advanced topics such as user authentication, database management with Django’s ORM, and integrating Django’s REST framework for API development. Moreover, you’ll explore frontend development using React, a popular JavaScript library for building...Show More
In this comprehensive course, you’ll dive into the powerful Django framework, a top choice for developers seeking rapid and clea...Show More


A comprehensive understanding of Django and its role in web development
Hands-on experience creating web applications using Django
Familiarity with Django core components, including models, views, and templates
The ability to implement user authentication and authorization in Django web applications
An understanding of integrating databases and making CRUD operations using Django ORM
A comprehensive understanding of Django and its role in web development

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with building full-stack applications using Django and React, mastering deployment and optimization techniques.


Creating a Django Project

8 Lessons

Get started with creating Django projects, mastering backend architecture, and integrating PostgreSQL.


Social Media Post Management

8 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of developing a social media post management system using Django.


Adding Comments to Social Media Posts

5 Lessons

Take a closer look at implementing a comment feature in social media apps using Django.


Testing the REST API

7 Lessons

See how it works to test Django REST API with automated methods, tools, and TDD strategies.


Creating a Project with React

6 Lessons

Practice using React to create and configure a full-stack social media app.


Building Login and Registration Forms

8 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in creating login and registration forms, handling authentication flows, and managing protected routes in React.


Social Media Posts

5 Lessons

Look at user authentication, JWT tokens, and performing CRUD operations on social media posts.


Post Comments

8 Lessons

Work your way through implementing full CRUD operations and like functionality for comments.


User Profiles

5 Lessons

Break down the steps to manage user profiles, display, edit data, and implement CRUD operations.


Deployment Basics—Git, GitHub, and AWS

5 Lessons

Tackle deployment basics with Git, GitHub, and AWS for Django and React.


Automating Deployment on AWS

5 Lessons

Step through automating Django app deployment on AWS using CI/CD and GitHub Actions.


Deploying Our React App on AWS

5 Lessons

Get started with deploying a React app on AWS S3 using automation and CI/CD techniques.


Performance, Optimization, and Security

4 Lessons

Break apart performance, optimization, and security strategies for Django and React applications.



1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of full-stack development with Django, React, testing, and deployment.



3 Lessons

Solve problems in setting up the work environment, installing necessary tools, and configuring CORS.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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