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Simple Anomaly Detection using SQL
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Gain insights into using SQL for anomaly detection. Delve into applying mean, standard deviation, and z-score to identify and investigate data anomalies, enhancing your analytical skills.
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Course Overview

Learn how to identify anomalies in your data using SQL. Understand how to apply mathematical concepts such as mean, standard deviation, and z-score to detect when an anomaly occurred in your data and how to investigate past data to improve and refine the model.
Learn how to identify anomalies in your data using SQL. Understand how to apply mathematical concepts such as mean, standard dev...Show More

Course Content


Detecting Anomalies

5 Lessons

Learn how to use SQL and z-scores to detect and optimize anomaly detection.


Analyzing A Server Log

4 Lessons

Walk through server log analysis, data preparation, and anomaly detection to pinpoint issues.



5 Lessons

Work your way through backtesting anomalies with thresholds, eliminating repeats, and experimenting for optimal results.


Improving Accuracy

5 Lessons

Apply your skills to improve anomaly detection accuracy using weighted mean, median, and MAD.
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