Home>Courses>Bootstrap 4 Layouts in Depth



Certificate of Completion

Bootstrap 4 Layouts in Depth

Gain insights into Bootstrap 4 layout design, explore grid systems, responsive columns, and components. Learn about CSS preprocessors and modular layouts with Angular to create professional designs.
Gain insights into Bootstrap 4 layout design, explore grid systems, responsive columns, and components. Learn about CSS preprocessors and modular layouts with Angular to create professional designs.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

96 Lessons
89 Playgrounds
8 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

This course provides detailed guidance of the web layout design process using the Bootstrap 4 framework. You’ll begin with an in-depth overview of layout design using Bootstrap 4 framework. Then, you’ll learn to build layouts using the Bootstrap grid, utilizing the Bootstrap rows and responsive columns. Next, you’ll use Bootstrap components like breadcrumb, carousel, card, and jumbotron as well as copy features from one layout and use them in another. Then, you’ll customize a layout with the help of CSS pr...Show More
This course provides detailed guidance of the web layout design process using the Bootstrap 4 framework. You’ll begin with an i...Show More

What You'll Learn

A working knowledge of creating web layouts using Bootstrap 4 framework
Familiarity with Bootstrap grids and Bootstrap components, including breadcrumb, carousel, card, and jumbotron
The ability to modularize the layouts using the Angular framework
Hands-on experience of creating layout clones of popular websites like Airbnb and Shopify
A working knowledge of creating web layouts using Bootstrap 4 framework

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Course Content


✨Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with Bootstrap 4 fundamentals, responsive web layouts, and Angular integration.


Introduction to Bootstrap

8 Lessons

Look at Bootstrap's foundational layout elements like container classes and styling utilities.


Grid in Bootstrap 4

7 Lessons

Work your way through creating responsive Bootstrap 4 layouts using grid, utility classes, and contextual elements.


Components of Bootstrap 4

8 Lessons

Enhance your skills in using Bootstrap 4 components to create responsive, interactive web layouts.


Official Bootstrap Example

6 Lessons

Take a closer look at customizing Bootstrap 4 layouts through practical examples and challenges.


Cloning CSS Theme

6 Lessons

Tackle copying and optimizing CSS, updating layouts, and mastering DevTools for efficient design.


Optimizing Official Bootstrap's Incline Theme

9 Lessons

Walk through optimizing Bootstrap's Incline theme to enhance web layouts and interactivity.


Shopify Clone Layout in Bootstrap 4

10 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of creating a Shopify clone layout using Bootstrap 4's components.



1 Lessons

Reflect on the skills to create dynamic, responsive web layouts using Bootstrap 4.



4 Lessons

Follow the process of registering, tracking, publishing, and committing changes to a GitHub repository.

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