HomeCoursesDjango Takeoff: Developing Modern Applications


19h 20min

Django Takeoff: Developing Modern Applications
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Gain insights into Django web development. Learn about setting up URLs, views, templates, user accounts, search filters, styling with Bootstrap, and cloud deployment using AWS and Heroku.
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Table of Contents
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Course Overview

The focus of this course is to learn Django web development by example. You will be developing a web application step-by-step by setting up URLs, views, and templates of different web pages. The course walks you through various useful concepts to give your app a real look. For example, creating and managing user accounts, implementing search filters, uploading images, Bootstrap styling, and cloud deployment using AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Heroku. Every concept is presented with an executable environme...Show More
The focus of this course is to learn Django web development by example. You will be developing a web application step-by-step by...Show More


Learn how to set up a Django app from scratch
Learn how to create Django models, views and templates
Learn how to implement master-detail pages in Django
Learn how to implement Bootstrap styling and Crispy forms in Django
Learn how to deploy a Django application to cloud using Amazon AWS and Heroku
Learn how to set up a Django app from scratch

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Django Admin

Django URLs

Django Redirects

Django Templates

Django Views



Django Forms

Django Filters

HTML elements

HTTP Request Methods

Cloud Deployment

Django basics

User authentication in Django

Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with developing and hosting data-driven Django applications for diverse user needs.


Django Web App Setup

4 Lessons

Walk through setting up Django projects, configuring databases, and running web apps effectively.


Django Basics

4 Lessons

Break apart Django MVC patterns, the admin site, and the Listings model management.



5 Lessons

Create and configure the homepage and a Greetings page, enhancing Django development skills.


Listings Page

3 Lessons

Take a closer look at creating dynamic Listings page using views, database queries, and templates.


New Listing Page

3 Lessons

Tackle creating and submitting new listings in your Django application, facilitating user inputs.



3 Lessons

Practice using Django templates to add consistent navbars across website pages.


Detail Listing Page

3 Lessons

Step through creating detailed listing views, linking to each listing's detailed information.


My Listings Page

4 Lessons

Get started with creating and linking a personalized "My Listings" page in Django.


Edit Listing Page

3 Lessons

Examine how to implement and activate the edit functionality for listings in Django.


Delete Listing Page

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of implementing a Delete Listing feature in a Django application.


Users App

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for creating and managing user authentication in Django.


Register Page

2 Lessons

Investigate creating a user registration page with Django using forms, views, and templates.


Foreign Key

3 Lessons

Master the steps to set up and manage foreign key relationships in Django.



3 Lessons

Step through configuring media paths and updating templates to display images.


Django Filters

3 Lessons

Get started with implementing filters in Django for efficient user-specific searches.


Styling the Django Web App

3 Lessons

Break apart styling web apps with Bootstrap and streamlining forms using Django Crispy Forms.


Using Amazon Web Services (AWS)

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of integrating Django with Amazon RDS and S3 for enhanced cloud storage.


Heroku Deployment

3 Lessons

Take a closer look at deploying Django apps on Heroku and releasing AWS resources.



1 Lessons

Investigate Django's foundational concepts and explore further to enhance your programming journey.



3 Lessons

Piece together the parts of IDE setup, PostgreSQL installation, and Heroku domain configuration.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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