HomeCoursesData Science Handbook


2h 30min

Data Science Handbook
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Explore data science fundamentals, including generative AI, time series, and business analytics. Gain insights into practical applications using Python libraries like pandas, seaborn, and TensorFlow.
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Course Overview

Data science extracts meaningful insights from the data for data-driven decision-making. This course is designed to provide an insight into the fascinating world of data science, whether you are a beginner or want to move your career forward in data science. We start the course by covering the fundamentals of data science and the usage of data science in big tech industries and real-world applications. We discuss its specialized applications in generative AI, time series analysis, business analytics, and ...Show More
Data science extracts meaningful insights from the data for data-driven decision-making. This course is designed to provide an i...Show More


An understanding of the fundamentals of data science for data-driven decision-making
Working knowledge of practical applications of data science in industries and daily lives
Knowledge of career paths in data science for today’s world
Familiarity with some famous technologies and tools used in data science
A mastery of how the data science pipeline works with some hands-on experience
An understanding of the fundamentals of data science for data-driven decision-making

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Course Content


Introduction to Data Science

3 Lessons

Get familiar with data science fundamentals, industry applications, and its evolving role.


Fundamentals of Data Science

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of data science pillars, distinctions from machine learning, and essential tools.


Applications and Careers in Data Science

3 Lessons

Work your way through data science applications, roles, and specialized topics.


Mastering Data Science

5 Lessons

Find out about visualizing, processing, modeling, and presenting data for effective analysis.
Certificate of Completion
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