HomeCoursesData Science in Production: Building Scalable Model Pipelines



Data Science in Production: Building Scalable Model Pipelines

Gain insights into building scalable data and model pipelines, explore different cloud environments, delve into streaming workflows, and discover essential tools for creating real-time data products.
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The goal of this course is to provide you with a set of tools that can be used to build predictive model services for product teams. In this course, you’ll start by covering the different cloud environments and tools for building scalable data and model pipelines. You’ll then learn the different data sets and types of models that will be used heavily in everyday production. Throughout the course, you’ll have plenty of exercises and challenges to get you comfortable working with the diverse toolset. Lastly...Show More
The goal of this course is to provide you with a set of tools that can be used to build predictive model services for product te...Show More



Course Conclusion

1 Lessons

Look at the evolving journey in data science, emphasizing continuous learning and practice.
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