HomeCoursesAccelerated Linux Core Dump Analysis



Accelerated Linux Core Dump Analysis
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Gain insights into debugging Linux process and kernel failures using GDB and crash utility. Delve into memory dump analysis, identifying issues like memory leaks, CPU spikes, and deadlocks.
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Course Overview

It’s essential to examine core dumps to diagnose any non-trivial hangs or crashes due to a user process or the kernel faults. Most people have no training in dealing with core dumps, so the causes of most crashes remain undiagnosed. This course starts with debugging core dumps. You will learn how to debug the Linux process and kernel failures (using the GDB debugger and the crash utility), browse core memory dumps, identify corruption, memory leaks, CPU spikes, halted threads, deadlocks and wait chains, am...Show More
It’s essential to examine core dumps to diagnose any non-trivial hangs or crashes due to a user process or the kernel faults. Mo...Show More


A working knowledge of how to collect core dumps
A hands-on knowledge on how to diagnose crashes/hangs via core dump analysis
The ability to apply pattern-oriented analysis on 64-bit core dumps on x86 architecture
A familiarity with debugging to diagnose common faults
The ability to use GDB debugger to analyze Linux process core dump
An understanding of using the crash utility to analyze Linux kernel core dumps
A working knowledge of how to collect core dumps

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with core dump analysis and practical skills for diagnosing crashes and hangs.


Fundamentals of Core Dump Analysis

7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of core dump analysis in Linux, covering memory, threads, exceptions, and diagnostics.


Using GDB With Multi-Threaded Applications

5 Lessons

Work your way through debugging multi-threaded applications using GDB commands and core dump analysis.


Null Pointer Patterns and External Debugging Information

5 Lessons

Apply your skills to detect and debug NULL pointer exceptions using core dump analysis.


Spiking Threads

3 Lessons

Take a closer look at spiking threads, their identification, and in-depth analysis patterns.


Heap Corruption

3 Lessons

Follow the process of identifying and debugging heap corruption to manage dynamic memory issues effectively.


Stack Corruption and Overflow

4 Lessons

Master the steps to identify and resolve stack corruption and overflow issues using core dump analysis.


Active Threads

3 Lessons

Learn how to use core dump analysis to identify and diagnose active thread issues.


Runtime Exceptions and Execution Residues

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of detecting runtime exceptions and analyzing execution residues in Linux dumps.


Heap Errors

4 Lessons

Lay out a solution for diagnosing and resolving heap leaks, contention, and critical region errors.



2 Lessons

Find out about deadlock identification through core dumps, thread stack examination, and mutex analysis.



2 Lessons

Solve problems in analyzing core dumps through memory snapshots, functions, and variable insights.


Wrapping Up

2 Lessons

Build on your core dump analysis skills with FAQs and comprehensive troubleshooting knowledge.



2 Lessons

Try out installing essential debugging tools and utilizing advanced analysis patterns.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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