


Learn C
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Learn C programming fundamentals like data types, control flow, functions, pointers, and memory allocation while exploring debugging, profiling, and optimization tools like GDB and gcc.
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Course Overview

This comprehensive course covers the fundamentals and advanced concepts of C programming to build a solid foundation for your programming journey. You’ll learn about essential topics like data types, variables, constants, and C statements, along with deeper explorations of control flow in C, including for loops and conditional statements in C. You’ll also learn about C functions, scope of variables, function arguments, and work with arrays, strings, and pointers in C. You’ll gain hands-on experience with d...Show More
This comprehensive course covers the fundamentals and advanced concepts of C programming to build a solid foundation for your pr...Show More


An understanding of data types in C, variables in C, and C expressions
The ability to apply control flow in C using for loops, switch cases, and conditional statements
Knowledge of C functions, function arguments, and memory handling, including stack vs. heap and dynamic memory allocation
Proficiency in debugging with tools like GDB, gprof, and optimizing code with gcc optimization flags
An understanding of data types in C, variables in C, and C expressions

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Course Content


Introduction to C Programming

4 Lessons

Discover the historical importance of C programming and its efficiency for performance-driven tasks. Learn to program effectively in C for optimal results.


Data Types in C

7 Lessons

Learn to create programs by mastering data types in C, using variables in C, defining constants in C, and writing effective C statements.


C Operators and C Expressions

6 Lessons

Master C Operators and C Expressions, explore type conversion in C, create custom type names, and apply these concepts in practical programming tasks.


Control Flow in C

7 Lessons

Explore control flow in C, mastering for loops in C, switch case in C, and conditional statements in C with break and continue for seamless logic control.


Functions in C

10 Lessons

Discover C functions to boost modularity and efficiency, understand the scope of variables in C, and utilize function arguments with practical examples.


Complex Data Types

8 Lessons

Learn to handle complex data using C arrays, command-line arguments, and structures, enhancing your programming capabilities with practical applications.


Stack vs. Heap

5 Lessons

Know stack vs. heap concepts to efficiently manage stack and heap in C, optimizing memory usage in your programs.


Pointers in C

7 Lessons

Learn to use pointers in C for dynamic memory allocation, efficient data handling, and seamless interaction between pointers and arrays in C.


C string

5 Lessons

Explore strings in C, utilize the C standard library functions, and work with arrays of strings through practical exercises.


Input and Output Stream

6 Lessons

Learn input and output streams in C, work with binary files, explore random access, and apply these concepts through hands-on exercises.


Macros and the C Preprocessor

4 Lessons

Learn the basics of the C preprocessor, including #define directives, macros with arguments, and conditional compilation for efficient code management.


Header Files, Compiling and Linking

3 Lessons

Organize C programs effectively using header files, understand compiling in C, and streamline workflows with linking in C and efficient Makefile usage.


C Debugger

5 Lessons

Debug C programs using the GNU debugger GDB, manage breakpoints and refine your skills to avoid common issues with an efficient C debugger approach.


Code Profiling

3 Lessons

Practice using gprof, code profiling, and gcc optimization flags to identify performance bottlenecks and speed up your code effectively.


Parallel Programming in C

6 Lessons

Learn how to use parallel programming techniques in C with POSIX threads, OpenMP, and MPI to optimize performance and tackle complex tasks efficiently.



1 Lessons

Look at the comprehensive understanding and lasting skills in C programming.



1 Lessons

Explore useful C libraries like GLib, GSL, BLAS/LAPACK, Apophenia, and GNUplot.


Appendix: Setting Up the Environment

2 Lessons

Build a foundation in setting up your C programming environment across different operating systems.
Certificate of Completion
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is C easy to learn?

Yes, C is relatively easy to learn for beginners as it has a straightforward syntax and structure. However, mastering concepts like pointers, memory allocation, and debugging requires consistent practice and problem-solving.

How can I learn C by myself?

Can I learn C in 10 days?

Is learning C better than C++?