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Home>Courses>Practical Security: Simple Practices for Defending Your Systems

Practical Security: Simple Practices for Defending Your Systems


65 Lessons


Certificate of Completion





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Course Overview

It seems like hardly a week goes by without a high-profile computer breach. Why do these happen? How can you prevent them? This course doesn’t have all the answers, but it does outline practices that make life harder for attackers and that will help tide you over until you get a full-time security team in place. In this course, you will learn 5 simple, yet effective, techniques for preventing attackers from getting into your system. These techniques are related to: patching, software vulnerabilities, crypt...Show More
It seems like hardly a week goes by without a high-profile computer breach. Why do these happen? How can you prevent them? This course doesn’t have all the answers, but it does outline practices that make life harder for attackers and that will help tide y...Show More

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