HomeCoursesWeb Security and Access Management: JWT, OAuth2 & OpenId Connect



Web Security and Access Management: JWT, OAuth2 & OpenId Connect

Gain insights into JWT, OAuth2, and OpenID Connect. Learn about HTTPS, encryption, and handshake techniques, and explore foundational concepts in web API security for enhanced application protection.
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Web application developers are always on the lookout for ways to secure their applications. It has become the most fundamental part of any web application considering the rise in the number of cyber-attacks. This course will be your handy guide to the basic terminologies and frameworks related to web application security. In this course, you will learn what JWT is, how a JWT is created, and what benefits it provides in token-based authentication. You will learn about why HTTPS was introduced and how it re...Show More
Web application developers are always on the lookout for ways to secure their applications. It has become the most fundamental p...Show More



Getting started with Web Application Security

4 Lessons

Get familiar with fundamental web application security threats and essential mitigation techniques.


HTTPS Basics

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of encryption, SSL certificates, HTTPS, and the functionality and concerns of cookies.


JSON Web Token

7 Lessons

Examine the use of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure authentication, validation, and key management.



7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of OAuth’s authorization framework, terminologies, and various grant types.



1 Lessons

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