HomeCoursesModern CSS Layout: Decking Zombies with Style



Modern CSS Layout: Decking Zombies with Style
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Gain insights into advanced and modern CSS concepts with a humorous twist. Explore direction-agnostic layouts, columns, flexbox, and grid, with engaging challenges at each stage.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn advanced and modern CSS using zombies, silliness, and a sense of humor. If you’re looking for a course that’s accessible to those without technical training or inclination and/or don’t mind laughing a bit while learning, this course is for you. You will start by learning some basic concepts of inline and block direction along with how they are used to style direction-agnostic layouts. Then, you will move towards learning CSS columns, followed by flexbox and finally grid. You ...Show More
In this course, you will learn advanced and modern CSS using zombies, silliness, and a sense of humor. If you’re looking for a c...Show More

Course Content


Before We Begin

1 Lessons

Get familiar with web layout evolution from basic flow to CSS columns, flexbox, and grid.


Zombie Inline Block Heads

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of CSS layout properties to create flexible, responsive web designs.


Dividing the Horde (into Columns)

4 Lessons

Go hands-on with dividing content into columns, managing text flow, and styling columns.


Weird Flexbox, but Okay, Zombie

5 Lessons

Apply your skills to master Flexbox properties for dynamic and adaptable layouts.



2 Lessons

Implement appropriate CSS techniques and feedback to enhance and strengthen web design skills.
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