HomeCoursesSimplifying State Management in React Native



Simplifying State Management in React Native
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Gain insights into state management in React Native, including Redux, MobX, XState, Jotai, and React Query. Explore strategies for data consistency and synchronization across your applications.
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Course Overview

State management is a process of managing an application’s data. As a developer, it is important to ensure data remains consistent and synchronized across different application parts. You’ll start by learning the state management strategies in React Native using state and props and create a real-world Funbook application using only React Native built-in solutions. You’ll learn about the Redux and MobX libraries and how these can be used to implement the like button in the app. Next, you will implement the ...Show More
State management is a process of managing an application’s data. As a developer, it is important to ensure data remains consiste...Show More


Familiarity with the core components of React Native, including states, props, hooks, and context
Working knowledge of planning and setting up the surfaces, data flows, and components in the React Native app
Hands-on experience styling different components and populating the data in the React Native app
Familiarity with the state management libraries in React Native, including Redux, MobX, XState, Jotai, and React Query
Familiarity with the core components of React Native, including states, props, hooks, and context

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Mobile Application Development

Course Content


Before We Begin

2 Lessons

Get familiar with React Native state management techniques via practical development of a social media clone.


What Are React and React Native?

6 Lessons

Look at React and React Native's history, core concepts, components, and real-world applications.


Planning and Setting Up the Funbook App

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of planning, structuring, previewing, and debugging for effective app development in React Native.


Using React Query for Server-Side-Driven State Management

6 Lessons

Go hands-on with React Query for efficient server-side state management in React Native.



1 Lessons

Enhance your skills in React and state management for exceptional frontend development.



3 Lessons

Map out the steps for environment setup, key resources, and expert insights.
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