HomeCoursesThe Detailed Workings of AWS S3



The Detailed Workings of AWS S3
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Become an AWS pro with this course on AWS S3. Developed by AWS Solution Certified Architects, get hands-on with buckets, objects, IAM, and storage classes. No setup, no cleanup, no hassle.
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Course Overview

This is a beginner-friendly course covering the basics of cloud computing, AWS S3 services, buckets, objects, AWS Identity Access Management, Cross-region replication, advantages of AWS S3, S3 storage classes and a lot more. You will be covering everything related to AWS S3 along with practical demonstrations on 'How to create bucket', 'How to upload objects in the bucket', 'How to download objects from bucket', 'How to delete objects', 'How to delete bucket' and 'How to create an IAM user'. By the time ...Show More
This is a beginner-friendly course covering the basics of cloud computing, AWS S3 services, buckets, objects, AWS Identity Acces...Show More


Complete knowledge of S3
Advantages of using S3
Familiarity with the terms buckets, objects, keys, regions
Bucket policies and AWS Identity Access Management
Data organization in S3
Cross-region replication
Practicals with S3 buckets
Complete knowledge of S3

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Course Content


Getting started

5 Lessons

Get familiar with AWS S3 fundamentals, features, and advantages for efficient cloud storage.


Basics of S3

5 Lessons

Look at AWS S3's structure, storage classes, vital terms, and key features.



5 Lessons

Examine AWS S3's API, data management, cross-region replication, and billing systems.



4 Lessons

Apply your skills to creating, managing, and deleting S3 buckets and objects using AWS.



2 Lessons

Dig into AWS S3 fundamentals, cloud storage concepts, and essential AWS CLI usage.
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