HomeCoursesEffective Data Manipulation with pandas



Effective Data Manipulation with pandas
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Delve into effective data manipulation with pandas. Discover filtering, merging, grouping, and reshaping techniques through hands-on examples, best practices, and performance tips for real-world analysis.
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Course Overview

The course is a comprehensive guide to using pandas for data analysis. It covers a wide range of topics related to data manipulation, including filtering, merging, grouping, pivoting, and reshaping data. In this course, you’ll learn about the best practices and efficient techniques for working with data. You’ll be provided with numerous examples of real-world data analysis problems and gain hands-on experience with the pandas library to solve them effectively. This course will also cover performance consid...Show More
The course is a comprehensive guide to using pandas for data analysis. It covers a wide range of topics related to data manipula...Show More


An understanding of efficient data manipulation techniques for working with data in pandas
Working knowledge of different techniques for handling missing data in pandas
The ability to reshape and pivot data
Hands-on experience of the best practices for working with pandas
An understanding of efficient data manipulation techniques for working with data in pandas

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Course Content


Series Deep Dive

27 Lessons

Unpack the core of pandas Series manipulation, covering attributes, operations, and data cleaning.



29 Lessons

Examine building, manipulating, and visualizing DataFrames in pandas for effective data analysis.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Explore continuous improvement in data analysis, from understanding data to engaging in real-world projects.



1 Lessons

Follow the process of installing and setting up pandas for Python projects.
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