HomeCoursesBuilding a Serverless App Platform on Kubernetes



Building a Serverless App Platform on Kubernetes
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Gain insights into building serverless applications on Kubernetes, using Knative, Tekton for CI/CD pipelines, and integrating GitHub for automated builds and deployments through GitHub events.
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Course Overview

​​Businesses are modernizing and adopting multi-cloud approaches to deliver services. This shift in application deployment has given rise to containerization and Kubernetes for the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. This course introduces you to serverless computing and shows you how to build serverless applications using Knative. It teaches CI/CD using Tekton and shows you how to build pipelines triggered by GitHub events. You will create a pipeline that builds container i...Show More
​​Businesses are modernizing and adopting multi-cloud approaches to deliver services. This shift in application deployment has g...Show More


Hands-on experience building serverless applications using Knative
Thorough understanding of CI/CD with Tekton
Hands-on experience creating a Tekton Pipeline
The ability to build pipelines that are triggered by GitHub events
Thorough understanding of the usage of Cloud Native Buildpacks in the Tekton Pipeline
Hands-on experience building serverless applications using Knative

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Course Content


Before We Begin

1 Lessons

Get familiar with modernizing app deployment using Kubernetes, containerization, and serverless computing.



3 Lessons

Look at Kubernetes' architecture, serverless computing benefits, and Kubernetes cluster setup steps.


Using Knative to Run Serverless Applications

4 Lessons

Examine Knative Serving setup, first application deployment, autoscaling, and management of serverless applications.


Automate Tekton Pipeline Execution

4 Lessons

Automate Tekton Pipelines to respond to GitHub events and ensure secure, seamless CI/CD execution.


Build Container Images without Dockerfile

3 Lessons

Follow how Cloud Native Buildpacks streamline secure image creation and integration in CI/CD workflows.
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