HomeCoursesA Practical Guide to Helm



A Practical Guide to Helm
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Gain insights into Helm, the Kubernetes package manager, to create, package, and deploy applications efficiently. Delve into designing reusable Helm charts for reliable, scalable deployments.
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Course Overview

Are you already working with Kubernetes but tired of writing all these YAML files? Especially when you need to deploy lots and lots of applications? If so, this course is just for you. You’ll learn about Helm, a popular, CNCF graduated project that's built on top of Kubernetes. Helm is a Kubernetes package manager which helps bundle all K8s objects together. In this course, you’ll create small projects to learn about the basic concepts of Helm and gain hands-on experience in working with it. You’ll also le...Show More
Are you already working with Kubernetes but tired of writing all these YAML files? Especially when you need to deploy lots and l...Show More


Familiarity with core components of Helm, including how it makes it easier to deploy applications on Kubernetes
An understanding of Helm basics to install and configure applications on Kubernetes
The ability to create different types of Helm charts
Hands-on experience in structuring complex Helm projects
Working knowledge of how to manage configurations for multiple environments using Helmfile
Familiarity with core components of Helm, including how it makes it easier to deploy applications on Kubernetes

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Course Content


Getting Started

5 Lessons

Get familiar with the basics of Helm, its role in Kubernetes, and key version differences.


Configure Development Environment

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of creating, connecting, viewing, and managing Kubernetes clusters for Helm usage.


Building Custom Helm Charts

7 Lessons

Enhance your skills in creating, installing, and optimizing custom Helm charts for Kubernetes.


Quality Assurance for a Custom Helm Chart

6 Lessons

Take a closer look at ensuring quality by testing, linting, and publishing Helm charts.


Helm Umbrella Chart

5 Lessons

Tackle creating and installing Helm umbrella charts to manage complex application deployments efficiently.


Using Helm On a Cloud

5 Lessons

Practice using Helm to set up, manage, and deploy applications on GKE clusters.



6 Lessons

Learn how to use Helmfile for managing Kubernetes deployments and configurations.
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