HomeCoursesAdvanced Programming Techniques in C



Advanced Programming Techniques in C
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Gain insights into pointers, arrays, strings, and structures in C. Explore function pointers and bitwise operations. Discover recursion, memory allocation, and effective debugging techniques.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn advanced programming techniques in C. This course is perfect for you if you have prior knowledge of programming concepts, like data types, variables, loops, conditional statements, and functions in C. You will start by covering the most common secondary data types including: pointers, arrays, strings, structures, and enums. You will then learn some more advanced concepts around functions such as function pointers, typecasting, bitwise operators, and bit fields. In the latter...Show More
In this course, you will learn advanced programming techniques in C. This course is perfect for you if you have prior knowledge ...Show More

Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with advanced C concepts, including pointers, functions, and Linux programming.



4 Lessons

Learn how to use enums for efficient, readable, and organized data management in C programming.


Function Pointers

5 Lessons

Unpack the core of calling functions via addresses, using `qsort()`, and array-based function pointers in C.


Classical Recursive Problems

4 Lessons

Focus on solving recursive problems like Towers of Hanoi and Beckett's Problem.


Type casting and Typedef

5 Lessons

Break down type casting, typedef, variable length structures, and malloc() usage in C.


C Under Linux

8 Lessons

Discover the logic behind using C in Linux, focusing on processes, forking, signals.


Command Line Arguments

3 Lessons

Break apart command line argument usage and handling in C programming for various operations.



1 Lessons

Investigate advancing C skills with further courses and hands-on practice in C++.
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