HomeCoursesFull Reactive Stack: Spring Boot 2 & Spring WebFlux



Full Reactive Stack: Spring Boot 2 & Spring WebFlux
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Gain insights into building Reactive Web Applications with Spring Boot 2 and Spring WebFlux, from database integration to front-end. Explore Reactive vs MVC, performance, and deployment with Docker.
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Course Overview

This course is your guide to using Spring Boot 2 and Spring WebFlux to create Reactive Web Applications. You will learn how to build a full-reactive system from the database (MongoDB reactive) to the front-end (Angular), using a Reactive programming strategy leveraged by Spring WebFlux, with the simplicity offered by Spring Boot 2. Beyond that though, you will be able to compare the Spring WebFlux with the standard MVC approach as well, covering the main aspects such as simplicity, performance, user exp...Show More
This course is your guide to using Spring Boot 2 and Spring WebFlux to create Reactive Web Applications. You will learn how to...Show More


Learn how to build a Reactive web application, both backend and frontend.
Analyze the pros and cons of Reactive (and asynchronous) patterns applied to the web.
Understand the basic concepts of Project Reactor and WebFlux: Fluxes, Monos, and Backpressure.
Implement a Reactive database access layer with Spring Data and MongoDB.
Write a reactive API at the controller level with Reactor's Fluxes.
Get the basics about Server-Sent Events and put them into practice.
Build a basic Angular frontend that consumes the reactive APIs.
Understand the EventSource API and how it can be linked to an RxJS Observable.
Learn how to run performance tests against blocking and non-blocking APIs under simulated slow network conditions.
Compare Blocking APIs and Reactive APIs in terms of performance, user experience, and ease of development.
Learn how to build a Reactive web application, both backend and frontend.

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Course Content


Connecting Angular With the WebFlux Backend

5 Lessons

Go hands-on with connecting Angular frontend to a reactive Spring WebFlux backend.



2 Lessons

Use Docker and Docker Compose to deploy and manage full-stack applications.
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