HomeCoursesReactive Programming with Angular and RxJS 7



Reactive Programming with Angular and RxJS 7
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Gain insights into reactive programming with RxJS 7, explore data streams, error handling, and multicasting to build a recipe app, and learn to test and optimize reactive applications.
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Course Overview

The reactive programming paradigm is designed to make working with asynchronous events and data streams convenient. This course teaches you about the reactive programming paradigm and when to choose it over others. You’ll learn to use new RxJS 7 features to create a recipe book web application that lets users browse and share recipes. In this context, you’ll learn about data streams, error handling, and how to combine streams and transform one data stream into another. You’ll develop an understanding of m...Show More
The reactive programming paradigm is designed to make working with asynchronous events and data streams convenient. This cours...Show More


Working knowledge of the reactive programming paradigm
The ability to develop applications that work with asynchronous events and data streams
Familiarity with the use of RxJS 7 features for reactive programming
The ability to pick the right RxJS operators to combine multiple streams
Working knowledge of the reactive programming paradigm

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with adopting a reactive mindset, RxJS 7 features, and strategies in Angular.


RxJS 7—The Major Features

6 Lessons

Examine key enhancements in RxJS 7, focusing on performance, type safety, and API consistency.


A Walk-Through of the Application

3 Lessons

Apply your skills to navigate and implement a recipe-sharing app with Angular and RESTful Node.js.


Error Handling

6 Lessons

Implement effective RxJS error handling with strategies like catchError, delayWhen, retry, and retryWhen.


Combining Streams

5 Lessons

Master the steps to filter data using RxJS patterns, optimizing reactive flows in Angular.


Multicasting Essentials

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of multicasting in RxJS, including hot/cold observables and Subjects.


Sharing Data between Components

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of sharing data in Angular using reactive patterns and services.


Bulk Operations

5 Lessons

Map out the steps for implementing reactive bulk operations and progress tracking with RxJS.


Testing RxJS Observables

5 Lessons

Build on methods for testing RxJS observables, including subscribe/assert, marble-testing, and HTTP streams.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with Angular's reactive programming patterns, data management, and real-time updates.
Certificate of Completion
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