Home>Courses>Implementing an Advanced Huge Integer Class



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Implementing an Advanced Huge Integer Class



Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

10 Lessons
9 Playgrounds
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Manipulating large numbers is a vital tool that is essential across various domains. The challenge arises because the primitive data types provided by C++ cannot handle such large numbers. You will address this challenge by crafting your HugeInt class in this course. This class has several constructors and assignment operators to facilitate efficient deep copying and features a comprehensive set of arithmetic operations. This class is designed to serve as a backbone for various application developments, pr...Show More
Manipulating large numbers is a vital tool that is essential across various domains. The challenge arises because the primitive ...Show More

What You'll Learn

An understanding of object-oriented programming basics
Working knowledge of classes by implementing several constructors, copy-constructors, and the assignment operator
The ability to design efficient methods of comparisons and basic arithmetic using operator overloading
The ability to analyze efficient algorithms’ implementations and their value at a larger scale
The ability to solve complex problems and understand how object-oriented paradigm helps implement challenging problems
An understanding of object-oriented programming basics

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