HomeCoursesA Complete Guide to Java Programming


6h 30min

A Complete Guide to Java Programming
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Gain insights into Java essentials, including programming paradigms, objects, data types, and algorithms. Delve into extensive exercises to prepare for a software development career.
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Course Overview

This course is your detailed guide to the fundamentals of the Java programming language. This course will get you on the fast track to becoming a proficient and modern Java developer. In this course, you will start by covering different programming paradigms like object-oriented and procedural programming. You will then cover the fundamentals of programming in Java such as: objects and data types, variables, arrays, and conditional statements. In the latter half of the course, you will cover iterative con...Show More
This course is your detailed guide to the fundamentals of the Java programming language. This course will get you on the fast tr...Show More



Programming Language

Course Content


Java, a High Level Language with a Purpose

5 Lessons

Learn how Java, a high-level language, enhances coding, memory management, and application development.


How Java Programming Works

3 Lessons

Discover the logic behind Java's structure, classes, and the OOP paradigm.


Iterative Constructs, Entry and Exit Controlled Loops

6 Lessons

Master the steps to using Java's entry and exit controlled loops with practical examples.


Basic Input and Output

2 Lessons

Unpack the core of Java's simplified input handling using the Scanner class.


Classes and Objects

5 Lessons

Work your way through Java objects, class interactions, and polymorphism concepts.


Interface and Abstraction

2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of abstraction and interfaces for creating flexible, reusable Java code.


Exception Handling and Data Structures

3 Lessons

Take a closer look at exception handling and data structures for effective Java programming.



1 Lessons

Investigate the essential blend of continuous practice, critical thinking, and Java documentation.



3 Lessons

Master the steps to install JDK, set up IntelliJ IDEA, and integrate Apache Commons Lang.
Certificate of Completion
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