HomeCoursesNumber Systems For Computer Scientists



Number Systems For Computer Scientists
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Gain insights into essential number systems for computer scientists. Explore binary representation, and learn to represent and manipulate positive, negative, and fractional numbers stored in computers.
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Course Overview

Get introduced to the number systems that are essential for computer scientists, and take a deep dive into binary representation. Learn how to represent and manipulate, positive, negative, and fractional numbers in binary, and learn how numbers are stored and represented in computers. The only background this course requires is grade-school arithmetic. No programming knowledge is needed.
Get introduced to the number systems that are essential for computer scientists, and take a deep dive into binary representation...Show More


Differentiate between binary, hexadecimal and other number systems, and understand how to convert between them
Perform binary arithmetic
Understand fixed point notation
Learn how floating point representation works
Understand the basics of computer storage
Differentiate between binary, hexadecimal and other number systems, and understand how to convert between them

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential number systems, binary manipulations, and computer memory concepts.


Some Binary Operations

4 Lessons

Break apart binary arithmetic, shift operations, and fundamental multiplication and division techniques.


Signed Binary Numbers

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of signed binary number representations and arithmetic operations in computing.


Representation in a Computer

3 Lessons

Simplify complex concepts of binary units, text encoding, and computer memory structure.



1 Lessons

Master the steps to further explore programming languages and computational problem solving.
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