HomeCoursesFunctional Programming Patterns With RamdaJS!



Functional Programming Patterns With RamdaJS!
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Discover functional programming patterns with RamdaJS. Learn about pure functions, currying, and point-free style while deepening your knowledge of map, filter, and reduce methods.
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Course Overview

We know the functional programming (FP) hype train's been riding strong the past few years, especially in the JavaScript community. We extol FP in countless books, videos, and blog posts, with no sign of slowing down. As a result this course isn't to convince you, today's JS developer, of how awesome FP is. I'm simply sharing some popular patterns using Ramda, an FP library that I've blogged on many times. Before going through them, though, we will lay the groundwork with concepts like pure functions, cur...Show More
We know the functional programming (FP) hype train's been riding strong the past few years, especially in the JavaScript communi...Show More

Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with RamdaJS, its FP principles, and integrated learning with seamless code interaction.


Pure Functions

3 Lessons

Walk through the principles of pure functions, their benefits, and techniques for maintaining purity.


Higher-Order Functions

2 Lessons

Break apart the concept of higher-order functions for flexible and declarative JavaScript programming.


Function Composition

3 Lessons

Break down complex ideas of function composition, modular functions, and RamdaJS enhancements.



2 Lessons

Map out the steps for currying, enhancing code reuse and applying point-free style.


Pipe and Compose

3 Lessons

Tackle function composition using pipe, compose, and the debugging aid of tap.



2 Lessons

Master the steps to efficiently sort data using non-destructive methods and customizable comparators.


Conditional Logic

3 Lessons

Step through Ramda's powerful conditional functions: ifElse, when/unless, and cond.



2 Lessons

Examine functors as containers with map methods for transforming values immutably.



5 Lessons

Find out about manipulating data structures precisely using lenses in RamdaJS.


Lenses Exercises

4 Lessons

Solve problems in applying RamdaJS lenses to extract and transform data effectively.


Building a Wikipedia Search

8 Lessons

Follow the process of building a functional Wikipedia search interface using RamdaJS' tools.


Closing Comments

2 Lessons

Build on using Ramda for functional programming in JavaScript and explore advanced concepts.
Certificate of Completion
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