HomeCoursesLearn to Use HPC Systems and Supercomputers



Learn to Use HPC Systems and Supercomputers
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Gain insights into using HPC systems and supercomputers to solve large computational problems. Explore HPC components, software stacks, job schedulers, and parallel programming, including Open MP, MPI, and GPU coding.
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Course Overview

Learn to use High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems and solve large computational problems. This course assumes basic familiarity with the Bash command line environment found on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like environments. This course is of the first of its kind, should be your second step from my previous Educative course "Learn to Analyze Text Data in Bash Shell and Linux" You'll learn: - Intro to HPC Systems and Supercomputers - HPC system's basic components - HPC software stack - HPC job schedulers ...Show More
Learn to use High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems and solve large computational problems. This course assumes basic famili...Show More

Course Content


Supercomputers and HPC clusters

4 Lessons

Solve problems in supercomputing history, examples, cluster computing, and its benefits.


Components of a HPC system

5 Lessons

Discover the logic behind HPC components, including nodes for management, computation, storage, and user access.


HPC software stack

5 Lessons

Go hands-on with accessing HPC systems, data transfer, software lists, modules, and job schedulers.


PBS - Portable Batch System

12 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of PBS for efficient job management and scripting in HPC systems.


Parallel programming - OpenMP

8 Lessons

See how it works to utilize OpenMP for efficient parallel programming with threads and shared memory.


Parallel programming - MPI

5 Lessons

Build on MPI principles, program structures, and practical examples for effective parallel programming.


Parallel programming - GPU and CUDA

4 Lessons

Try out parallel programming with GPUs using CUDA for high-performance applications.


Conclusions and references

2 Lessons

Discover the logic behind using HPC systems, key commands, and essential references.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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