HomeCoursesLearn Graph Algorithms in C++



Learn Graph Algorithms in C++
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Explore the basics of graph theory, learn to represent graphs in C++, and master essential algorithms like DFS and Dijkstra to solve complex optimization problems, including matching and network flow.
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Course Overview

Graph algorithms are the core of many real-world applications of computer science, such as automotive navigation or routing in computer networks. They’re also a common subject in coding interviews at top-tier tech companies. In this course, we’ll learn about the basic concepts of graph theory and how to represent graphs as data structures in code. We’ll study essential graph algorithms such as depth-first search or Dijkstra's algorithm to traverse graphs and find shortest paths. Finally, we’ll learn to s...Show More
Graph algorithms are the core of many real-world applications of computer science, such as automotive navigation or routing in ...Show More


Learn how graphs can be represented as data structures
Traverse graphs using search algorithms
Find the shortest paths in graphs
Find maximum matchings
Solve flow problems
Compute minimum spanning trees
Learn how graphs can be represented as data structures

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Course Content


Graph Representations

6 Lessons

Discover the logic behind graph representations, including adjacency matrices, adjacency lists, and their comparisons.


Spanning Trees

5 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of minimum spanning trees, Kruskal's algorithm, and maximum spanning tree challenges.


Flow Problems

6 Lessons

Focus on solving max flow problems, Ford-Fulkerson method, and bipartite matching challenges.



1 Lessons

Master the steps to understanding graph algorithms, solving fundamental problems, and exploring advanced topics.



1 Lessons

Step through the Disjoint Set Union structure and its optimizations for dynamic connectivity.
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