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Up and running with Node and GraphQL


9 Lessons


Certificate of Completion





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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn what exactly GraphQL is, how to design a robust and scalable API with it, and how to implement it in NodeJS. You’ll start by running through the pros and cons of GraphQL in order to get a feel for its limitations and what its applications are. You’ll then take a brief look into the REST vs GraphQL debate and understand the reasons for and against both. In the latter half of the course, you’ll explore things like GraphQL types, schemas, and mutations. In the last few sections...Show More
In this course, you will learn what exactly GraphQL is, how to design a robust and scalable API with it, and how to implement it...Show More

What You'll Learn

Understand what GraphQL is and its pros and cons
Learn the building blocks of GraphQL
Learn how to query, create, and edit data via GraphQL
Learn how to make a GraphQL API in Node
Learn how to structure a GraphQL API for consistency and scalability
Understand how security in GraphQL works
Understand what GraphQL is and its pros and cons

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