HomeCoursesA Practical Guide to GraphQL: From the Client Perspective



A Practical Guide to GraphQL: From the Client Perspective

Gain insights into GraphQL from a client perspective. Explore practical exercises, React integration, Apollo Client, and a live VM for real-time coding with GitHub’s GraphQL API.
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This course was written to be as practical as possible. It offers an interactive learning experience, starting off with a general introduction to GraphQL and proceeding to allow you to play with GraphQL Queries and Mutations using GitHub’s GraphQL API. After getting you comfortable with the basics of GraphQL, the course moves on to how to use GraphQL with React and then on how to integrate it with Apollo Client. You'll implement an issue tracker application using GraphQL combined with both React and Apollo...Show More
This course was written to be as practical as possible. It offers an interactive learning experience, starting off with a genera...Show More



An Introduction to GraphQL

2 Lessons

Get familiar with GraphQL’s client-driven data fetching and server-client architecture.


How to Get Started

4 Lessons

Get started with generating tokens, configuring environment, and API interaction for GitHub.


Exploring GitHub's GraphQL API

6 Lessons

Work your way through executing queries, handling organizations, using variables, and mutations in GitHub's GraphQL API.


React with Apollo and GraphQL

27 Lessons

See how it works integrating React with Apollo for dynamic GraphQL applications.


Local Installation Guide

3 Lessons

Practice using React and Apollo Client to set up GraphQL applications locally.
Certificate of Completion
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