HomeCoursesData Analysis & Processing with Pandas



Data Analysis & Processing with Pandas
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Gain insights into Pandas' powerful tools for data analysis. Learn about Series, DataFrames, and optimize performance for data operations, filtering, and file uploads in data science and machine learning.
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Course Overview

Pandas is a very popular Python library that provides powerful, flexible and high-performance tools to process data. If you’re looking to get into data science, machine learning, or you just want to brush up on your analytics skills, then look no further. In this course, you’ll learn how to process and analyze data with Pandas. You’ll start out by covering the basic data structures in Pandas: Series and dataframes. In the latter half of the course, you’ll learn how to perform operations on different data...Show More
Pandas is a very popular Python library that provides powerful, flexible and high-performance tools to process data. If you’re ...Show More

Course Content


Improve performance

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to optimize file loading, reduce memory usage, and speed up operations in Pandas.
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