HomeCoursesQuerying Databases Using Transact-SQL



Querying Databases Using Transact-SQL
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Gain insights into T-SQL syntax, table creation, data manipulation, and relationships. Delve into advanced constructs like stored procedures, functions, and triggers to enhance your database development skills.
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Course Overview

T-SQL is a dialect of SQL that is used in Microsoft SQL Server. The popularity of Microsoft's database management system sustains high market demand for people well versed in T-SQL. This course teaches the core concepts and syntax of T-SQL. First, you will learn how to create tables, insert data, update existing records, and create relationships between tables. Then, you will be exposed to more advanced constructs of T-SQL, like stored procedures, functions, and triggers. By the end of the course, you w...Show More
T-SQL is a dialect of SQL that is used in Microsoft SQL Server. The popularity of Microsoft's database management system sustain...Show More


Familiarity with T-SQL’s role in database development
Ability to read data from and write data to Microsoft SQL Server databases
A hands-on experience with T-SQL core syntax
A working knowledge of database development using functions, stored procedures, and other programmability objects.
Familiarity with T-SQL’s role in database development

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Course Content


Before We Start

2 Lessons

Get familiar with T-SQL fundamentals, operations, and procedures for Microsoft SQL Server.


Querying Multiple Tables

5 Lessons

Work your way through table relationships, foreign key constraints, and various SQL joins.


Grouping and Aggregation

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of aggregate functions, GROUP BY, window functions, and the PARTITION BY clause in T-SQL.



5 Lessons

Dig deeper into efficient data retrieval using subqueries, versatile use cases, and comparison operators.


Built-in Functions

5 Lessons

Investigate T-SQL's string manipulation, date and time management, casting, and handling NULL values.


Additional Programming Constructs

10 Lessons

Step through advanced T-SQL programming constructs for robust database management and control.



1 Lessons

Look at the next steps in advancing your MS SQL Server and T-SQL skills.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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