HomeCoursesBuilding a Backend Application with Go



Building a Backend Application with Go
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Learn about developing high-performance backend applications with Go, using tools like Fiber, gqlgen, and apitest. Gain insights into HTTP, REST API, databases, GraphQL, testing, and deployment.
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Course Overview

In modern backend applications, many programming languages can be chosen, including Go—a programming language that provides high performance with concise syntax and can also be used to develop backend applications, including REST API and GraphQL applications. This course will cover many tools that can be used to develop a backend application, including fiber for REST API application, gqlgen for GraphQL application, and apitest for testing purposes. In this course, you’ll learn about the main concepts of we...Show More
In modern backend applications, many programming languages can be chosen, including Go—a programming language that provides high...Show More


Familiarity with core components of REST API, including HTTP methods and status codes
Hands-on experience developing REST API applications using the Go programming language
Familiarity with core components of GraphQL, including schema, query, mutation, and resolver
Hands-on experience developing GraphQL applications using the Go programming language
Ability to test the backend application using the apitest library
Familiarity with core components of REST API, including HTTP methods and status codes

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Back-end Development




Course Content


Course Introduction

1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential concepts for developing and deploying Go backend applications.


Introduction to Web Application

4 Lessons

Look at fundamental web application concepts, including clients, servers, HTTP, and databases.


Application Deployment

2 Lessons

Solve problems in deploying REST and GraphQL applications on Heroku.



5 Lessons

Tackle hot reload, Postman for REST/GraphQL testing, and database setups with MySQL and MongoDB.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How to use Go for the backend?

Go outperforms Node.js in executing performance-intensive tasks, particularly in handling a high volume of concurrent requests. You can become a Go back-end developer by following these steps: -Understand the essentials of computer science. -Enhance your expertise in back-end tools and technologies. -Work on developing a strong portfolio. -Commit to continuous learning. -Get ready for Golang-specific interview questions.