HomeCoursesDesigning Graphical Causal Bayesian Networks in Python



Designing Graphical Causal Bayesian Networks in Python
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Advance your career in a data-driven industry by utilizing graphical AI-modeling techniques in Python to construct and optimize causal Bayesian networks.
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Course Overview

This course introduces you to Bayesian networks, an inductive reasoning approach ideal for situations with limited data but access to expert knowledge. Whether you’re a developer, data scientist, or AI enthusiast, mastering Bayesian networks in Python is essential to your problem-solving toolkit. You’ll start with the fundamentals of Bayesian networks in Python to establish network criteria and interpret data. You’ll then create and optimize network structures and explore how structured information or simu...Show More
This course introduces you to Bayesian networks, an inductive reasoning approach ideal for situations with limited data but acce...Show More


An understanding of conditional probabilities using Bayes’ theorem
Familiarity with representing network structures using Python’s NetworkX library
Hands-on experience applying evaluation methods like degree and betweenness centrality for graph node significance assessment
The ability to build Bayesian networks using Python’s CausalNex library
Working knowledge of query analysis and data interpretation
Proficiency in assessing Bayesian Network performance with ROC curve analysis and essential metrics
An understanding of conditional probabilities using Bayes’ theorem

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Data Science

Python Programming


Artificial Intelligence

Data Statistics

Course Content


Evaluating the Output and Performance

6 Lessons

Master Bayesian networks for project management, enhancing decision-making, and risk assessment.



2 Lessons

Master graph theory and Bayesian networks for advanced data analysis and decision-making.
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