HomeCoursesBuilding Web and Mobile Applications with Flutter and Firebase



Building Web and Mobile Applications with Flutter and Firebase
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Gain insights into building secure web and mobile apps using Flutter and Firebase. Learn about authentication, real-time data, media management, and deployment for cross-platform development.
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Course Overview

Flutter is a cross-platform framework that allows web and mobile application development using a single code base, whereas Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) app development platform. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to build a fully functional application that connects users, stores data, and provides a seamless user experience. You will start by setting up user authentication, ensuring your app is secure and accessible only to authorized users. Next, you will dive into Fire...Show More
Flutter is a cross-platform framework that allows web and mobile application development using a single code base, whereas Fireb...Show More


An understanding of how to integrate Flutter and Firebase to build web and mobile applications
Proficiency in implementing user authentication with Firebase Authentication
Competency in using Firebase Realtime Database and Firestore for data storage and synchronization
Hands-on experience with Firebase Cloud Storage for managing media files
The ability to deploy a web and mobile application using Firebase Hosting
An understanding of how to integrate Flutter and Firebase to build web and mobile applications

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Course Content


Getting Started

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Flutter and Firebase for efficient cross-platform app development.


Flutter and Firebase Setup

6 Lessons

Get started with creating Flutter apps, managing dependencies, state, responsive UI, and integrating Firebase.


Firebase Authentication

7 Lessons

Examine Firebase Authentication setup, creating login/sign-up widgets, user management, and credential updates.


Firebase Cloud Firestore

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Cloud Firestore, build a CRUD UI, manage data, ensure security, and adopt best practices.


Firebase Realtime Database

7 Lessons

Enable real-time updates, security, sorting, and offline persistence using Firebase Realtime Database in Flutter.


Cloud Storage

7 Lessons

Tackle integrating Firebase Storage to manage, upload, download, delete files, and use metafiles effectively.


Firebase Hosting

4 Lessons

Approach Firebase Hosting to efficiently deploy, test, and manage your web applications.


Cross-Platform Techniques

3 Lessons

Try out cross-platform Flutter techniques for consistent UIs and efficient app development.



2 Lessons

Look at the culmination of Flutter and Firebase, preparing you for diverse app development opportunities.


Appendix: Flutter Installation

5 Lessons

Master the steps to set up Flutter on multiple OS and configure Firebase integration.
Certificate of Completion
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