HomeCoursesAPI Development in Go Using MongoDB



API Development in Go Using MongoDB
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Gain insights into building robust APIs with Go and MongoDB. Learn about CRUD operations, authentication, integration, and enhance your skills with practical examples and hands-on exercises.
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Course Overview

API Development in Go using MongoDB is a comprehensive course that focuses on building robust application programming interfaces (APIs) using the Go programming language and MongoDB as the underlying database. The course is structured in a sequential manner to provide a step-by-step understanding of API development in Go using MongoDB. You’ll be introduced to Go programming, integrating MongoDB with Go, designing and implementing CRUD operations, and handling authentication and authorization. Practical exa...Show More
API Development in Go using MongoDB is a comprehensive course that focuses on building robust application programming interfaces...Show More


Proficiency in Go programming and MongoDB integration
Basic understanding of authentication and authorization in Go APIs
Hands-on experience in RESTful API development using Go, including routing and endpoint implementation
Hands-on knowledge of CRUD operations in MongoDB
Hands-on knowledge of scalable API design, data storage with MongoDB, and API security
Proficiency in Go programming and MongoDB integration

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Object Oriented Programming

Course Content


Recap of Go Programming

6 Lessons

Learn how to use Go fundamentals, including data types, loops, functions, and data structures.


Introduction to Mongo DB

4 Lessons

Look at the basics, differences between SQL and NoSQL, and MongoDB's flexible data model.


API Guidelines

5 Lessons

Work your way through API fundamentals, design principles, Go frameworks, and documentation best practices.


Genre Operations

8 Lessons

Take a look at managing movie genres with create, fetch, update, delete, and search operations.


Movie Reviews

6 Lessons

Master the steps to manage, view, update, and delete movie reviews in MongoDB using Go.



2 Lessons

Get familiar with setting up a Go project and MongoDB for scalable REST API development.


Wrap Up

1 Lessons

Look at key concepts of Go, REST APIs, security, CRUD operations, and MongoDB integration.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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