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Learn Data Build Tools ( DBT )
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Gain insights into setting up dbt, managing models, and leveraging features like data testing. Delve into efficient data pipelines and improve data workflows in this data build tools course.
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Course Overview

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to data build tools (dbt), a powerful data transformation tool that streamlines the development and management of data pipelines. You will learn to set up and configure dbt projects, create and manage models, work with data sources, and leverage advanced features like data testing, targets, and snapshots. The course covers various topics, from the basics of dbt to more advanced concepts. You will gain hands-on experience through coding challenges and quizzes,...Show More
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to data build tools (dbt), a powerful data transformation tool that streamlines ...Show More


Working knowledge of dbt fundamentals and project structure
Hands-on experience building effective dbt project architectures
An understanding of advanced dbt features for data quality and automation
Familiarity with external data sources and loading data to dbt projects
Hands-on experience creating and using dbt packages for reusability and collaboration
Working knowledge of dbt fundamentals and project structure

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Data Manipulation

Data Pipeline Engineering

Course Content


Introduction to dbt and Its Setup

4 Lessons

Get familiar with dbt's role in data transformation, connecting with BigQuery, and project setup.


Overview of the Project Architecture

7 Lessons

Look at configuring profiles, folder paths, model settings, and accessing compiled code in dbt projects.



5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of setting up and referencing sources, using seeds, and querying datasets.



1 Lessons

Look at the transformative potential of dbt, enhancing data quality and automating workflows.
Certificate of Completion
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