HomeCoursesIntroduction to Graph Machine Learning



Introduction to Graph Machine Learning
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Gain insights into graph machine learning fundamentals, explore graph analytics, and delve into advanced topics like graph embedding and neural networks, enhancing your skills for research and practical applications.
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Course Overview

Are you ready to attain mastery in graph machine learning? Graphs are ubiquitous and have diverse applications in various fields. In this introductory course, you will learn the fundamentals of graph machine learning so that you’re able to work with different types of graphs, state-of-the-art graph machine learning techniques, and various graph analytics tasks. The course begins with the basics of graphs and gradually progresses to more advanced topics, including graph embedding and its different technique...Show More
Are you ready to attain mastery in graph machine learning? Graphs are ubiquitous and have diverse applications in various fields...Show More


Familiarity with creating and manipulating graphs
An understanding of the concepts of graph embedding and its various techniques
Ability to formulate important graph analytics tasks such as node classification and link prediction
Hands-on experience developing graph neural networks using PyTorch Geometric
An understanding of knowledge graphs and different ways to generate their embeddings
Comprehensive knowledge of graph machine learning concepts
Familiarity with creating and manipulating graphs

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PyTorch basics


Machine Learning

Course Content


About the Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with graph machine learning, its concepts, techniques, and coding applications.


Introduction to Graph Theory

5 Lessons

Look at graph theory, types of graphs, data structures for representation, and visualization techniques.


Graph Embeddings

5 Lessons

Break apart the methods and techniques for generating graph embeddings using matrix factorization, random walks, and neural networks.


Graph Neural Networks

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at Graph Neural Networks' architectures, message passing, and practical applications.


Knowledge Graph

5 Lessons

Tackle the construction, importance, issues, and embedding techniques of knowledge graphs.


Knowledge Graph Embeddings

4 Lessons

Master the steps to create knowledge graph embeddings using translation, factorization, and neural network methods.


Case Study: Link Prediction on a Social Network Graph

3 Lessons

Step through constructing and analyzing social network graphs for accurate link predictions.


Case Study: Node Classification on a Biological Graph

3 Lessons

Solve challenges with node classification on a synthetic contact tracing network using GNNs.



1 Lessons

Examine essential Python libraries and their versions for graph machine learning.
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