HomeCoursesReact and GraphQL: Build an E-commerce App with Hygraph



React and GraphQL: Build an E-commerce App with Hygraph
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Gain insights into creating a React e-commerce app, delve into using Hygraph for content storage, learn about Snipcart for cart management, and explore Netlify deployment strategies.
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Course Overview

This course will teach you how to create an e-commerce application from the ground up using React. Then, you’ll learn how to use Hygraph to store and organize e-commerce products, as well as to pull this content into your e-commerce application. Finally, you’ll use Snipcart to implement a cart management system and then deploy your application to Netlify. By the end of this course, you’ll have practical experience with the various types of routing in React. Moreover, you’ll learn what a Headless Content Ma...Show More
This course will teach you how to create an e-commerce application from the ground up using React. Then, you’ll learn how to use...Show More


Hands-on experience building an e-commerce application using GraphQL
Familiarity with Hygraph and how to fetch data with GraphQL
Implementing Snipcart within React to manage cart operations
An understanding of fetching data into React from Hygraph with GraphQL
A working knowledge of GitHub and the Deploy React application
Hands-on experience building an e-commerce application using GraphQL

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with building an e-commerce app using React and Hygraph.



3 Lessons

Test your understanding of real-time data, React hooks, and cart management with Snipcart.



2 Lessons

Try out installing React and Git locally for efficient app development.
Certificate of Completion
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