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Android Development Masterclass

Gain insights into creating efficient Android apps. Learn about layouts, UI components, lifecycle management, and Firebase integration. Delve into practical coding challenges and quizzes to solidify your skills.
Gain insights into creating efficient Android apps. Learn about layouts, UI components, lifecycle management, and Firebase integration. Delve into practical coding challenges and quizzes to solidify your skills.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

66 Lessons
3 Assessments
47 Playgrounds
12 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

This course covers various aspects of building Android applications, focusing on creating robust and efficient apps. The course is divided into several modules, accompanied by quizzes and coding challenges that will test your understanding of the course. You’ll start with an overview, which introduces the Android platform and its key features. Then, you will learn the various Android layouts and UI components—how to create and use different layouts, fragments, and custom views. Moreover, you’ll practically...Show More
This course covers various aspects of building Android applications, focusing on creating robust and efficient apps. The course ...Show More

What You'll Learn

Understanding of Android layouts and UI
Familiarity with intents, notifications and services
Working knowledge of leveraging in-app permissions in your Android application
The ability to integrate firebase services in an Android application
The ability to correctly use dependency injection frameworks such as Dagger
Hands-on experience with various jetpack components to speed up your development
Familiarity threading and memory management to optimize your application
Working knowledge of networking, including using Retrofit for REST API calls and Kotlin coroutines
Understanding of Android layouts and UI

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with Android's core concepts and components, progressing to advanced integration.


Android Layouts and UI Components

5 Lessons

Get started with Android layouts, fragments, custom views, and activity lifecycle management.


Android UI Components

7 Lessons

Examine Android UI components, including navigation bars, dialogs, image handling, menus, RecyclerViews, and WebViews.


Intents, Notifications, Threading & Services

5 Lessons

Apply your skills to work with intents, broadcast receivers, threads, services, and work managers.


Lifecycle Aware Components

4 Lessons

Build on lifecycle-aware components to manage UI data and handle lifecycle events.


Android Jetpack Components

5 Lessons

Step through managing background tasks, camera integration, navigation, and data pagination with Android Jetpack.



4 Lessons

Go hands-on with Retrofit, Kotlin coroutines, and efficient asynchronous network programming.


Dependency Injection

4 Lessons

Enhance your skills in using Hilt for efficient dependency injection and streamlined Android development.


Performance & Optimization

4 Lessons

Solve problems in performance, battery optimization, and memory management for robust Android apps.


Android App Testing

4 Lessons

Tackle Android app testing, including unit and instrumentation tests, using JUnit and Espresso frameworks.



1 Lessons

Build on creating functional Android apps, like an Instagram clone with key features.



3 Lessons

Get familiar with setting up the environment, ADB debugging, and creating a new Android project.

Course Author

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Hands-on Learning Powered by AI

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Instant Code Feedback

Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

Adaptive Learning

Explain with AI

AI Code Mentor

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