HomeCoursesBuilding Practical Applications with Redis Using Go



Building Practical Applications with Redis Using Go
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Gain insights into using Redis with Go to build practical applications. Learn about data types, messaging, core features, and scalability for high-performance, reliable software solutions.
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Course Overview

Redis is an open-source, in-memory key-value data structure store that belongs to the NoSQL category of databases. Go is a programming language known for its performance, simplicity, and reliability. Redis can be used as a high-performance in-memory cache, a message broker and streaming engine. This course teaches you how to use Redis with Go to build practical applications. In this course, you’ll learn Redis data types, such as string and Hash. Then, you’ll cover data structures. Moreover, you’ll learn ab...Show More
Redis is an open-source, in-memory key-value data structure store that belongs to the NoSQL category of databases. Go is a progr...Show More


An understanding of Redis and its usage to build practical applications
The ability to choose the appropriate Redis data structure(s) and feature(s)
Familiarity with core features of Redis including Redis pipeline, notifications, and Lua scripting
Hands-on experience of building scalable applications using the Redis Cluster
The ability to build messaging applications using Redis’ Pub/Sub and streams
A working knowledge of geospatial indexes and probabilistic data structures
An understanding of Redis and its usage to build practical applications

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with using Redis and Go to build scalable, practical applications.


Working with String and Hash Data Types

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of managing Redis string and hash data types in practical scenarios.


Using Set and Sorted Set

5 Lessons

Master the steps to using and implementing Redis sets and sorted sets in applications.


Core Redis Features

5 Lessons

Dig into the core features of Redis like pipelining, notifications, Lua scripting, and Scan commands.


Geospatial Indexes and Probabilistic Data Structures

3 Lessons

Simplify complex topics like geospatial indexes and probabilistic data structures with practical Redis applications.


Running Redis Across Multiple Servers

3 Lessons

Piece together the parts of deploying and scaling Redis across multiple servers efficiently.


Redis Modules in Action

4 Lessons

Learn how to use Redis modules for custom data types and full-text search in Go.


Wrapping Up

2 Lessons

Walk through the core concepts of using Redis with Go and explore further learning.
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