HomeCoursesBuild Robust Applications with Test-driven Development in Django


6h 29min

Build Robust Applications with Test-driven Development in Django
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Gain insights into test-driven development in Django, explore the differences between test methodologies, and learn to build robust applications through unit testing and Red-Green Refactor methodology.
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Course Overview

As Django co-founder Jacob Kaplan-Moss says, “code without tests is broken as designed.” That’s why it’s essential to develop your applications with tests and success conditions in mind. This course is an introduction to test-driven development and a practical guide on applying these principles to Django development. You’ll start with the purpose of automated testing, including the differences between test-driven development and development-driven testing. You’ll then be introduced to Django, a Python fram...Show More
As Django co-founder Jacob Kaplan-Moss says, “code without tests is broken as designed.” That’s why it’s essential to develop yo...Show More


A deep familiarity with test-driven development
The ability to write unit tests and automate those tests using GitHub Actions
A strong grasp of the Django web framework
A deep familiarity with test-driven development

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Course Content



6 Lessons

Get familiar with Test-driven Development (TDD), its advantages, and essential testing types in Django.


Steps Involved in Test-driven Development

7 Lessons

Unpack the core of Test-driven Development steps: write tests, run tests, code, pass tests, refactor.


E-library Application: Part Two

6 Lessons

Break down the steps to create and test forms and templates in Django applications.


E-library Application: Part Three

5 Lessons

Dig deeper into testing and developing views, handling form submissions, and improving test documentation in Django.


What's Next?

1 Lessons

Implement automated testing with GitHub Actions and Selenium for robust applications.



1 Lessons

Build on test-driven development in Django to enhance application robustness and reduce bugs.
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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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