Home>Courses>Hexagonal Software Architecture for Web Applications


6h 45min

Certificate of Completion

Hexagonal Software Architecture for Web Applications

Discover Hexagonal Architecture to create web applications with isolated, testable layers. Gain insights into designing clean, maintainable modules and advocating for suitable techniques for your application.
Discover Hexagonal Architecture to create web applications with isolated, testable layers. Gain insights into designing clean, maintainable modules and advocating for suitable techniques for your application.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

84 Lessons
1 Assessment
11 Quizzes
Course Overview
Course Content

Course Overview

This course will teach you all about creating a web application in the Hexagonal Architecture style. Hexagonal Architecture promotes the separation of concerns by encapsulating logic in different layers of the application. This enables a higher level of isolation, testability, and control over your business specific code. You will learn how to design software modules and complete applications in a clean and maintainable manner, while also learning how to advocate for a certain technique given your applica...Show More
This course will teach you all about creating a web application in the Hexagonal Architecture style. Hexagonal Architecture prom...Show More

Course Content


Before We Begin

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Hexagonal Architecture for creating adaptable, extendable software systems.


What's Wrong with Layers?

7 Lessons

Unpack the core of layered architecture pitfalls, including complexity, testing difficulties, and parallel work challenges.


Inverting Dependencies

7 Lessons

Examine principles of inverting dependencies for modularity, flexibility, and maintainability in software architecture.


Organizing Code

6 Lessons

Break down the steps to organize code by layers, features, and expressive package structures.


Implementing a Web Adapter

5 Lessons

Tackle creating clean web adapters for handling HTTP requests, ensuring maintainability and modularity.


Assembling the Application

6 Lessons

Work your way through efficient web application assembly, focusing on dependency management and flexibility.


Enforcing Architecture Boundaries

6 Lessons

Break down the steps to enforce architecture boundaries and manage dependencies efficiently.



1 Lessons

Choose the right architecture style based on domain importance, team experience, and comfort.



1 Lessons

Gain insights on historical origins, dependency inversion, Hexagonal Architecture, JPA complexity, and software design flexibility.

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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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Adaptive Learning

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