What do I write on Educative Answers?
In order to provide our users with the Answers they are looking for, the Educative Answers team works hard to curate topics for our contributor community that:
Our contributor community is most interested in writing on
Users are most interested in reading
Have high SEO potential
Contributors can claim topics from the Educative Answers Trello board or request topics from the Educative Answers team. The process for each is laid out below.
Claiming on Trello
One of the scariest parts of writing is getting started. Sometimes, even thinking about what you want to write can be overwhelming. At Educative Answers, we want to make sure that we curb any stress that may surround the writing process. So, we strongly encourage you to write on a topic from our Trello board. If you do not find a topic of interest, you can request topics from the Educative Answers team by emailing answers@educative.io – topic requests will be filled within 48-72 hours.
Educative Answers is a curated site that only publishes one Answer per topic, meaning we only publish Answers on topics that are high quality, high value, and not yet published on Answers.
Therefore, each topic present on the Educative Answers Trello board has been hand-picked by the Answers team so you can be assured that your topic is unique and (most importantly) will be accepted upon submission.
Fill out and submit this form in order to gain access to the Trello board.
The flow of the Trello Board is as follows:
README: Instructions on how to use the Trello board.
AVAILABLE - Beginner: Topics of the beginner level that are ready to be claimed.
AVAILABLE - Intermediate: Topics of the intermediate level that are ready to be claimed.
AVAILABLE - Advanced: Topics of the advanced level that are ready to be claimed.
Claimed: Topics that have been claimed by Answers contributors.
Done: Topics that have been submitted.
To claim a topic, click on "Claim Topic" [as shown below]:
Fill out and submit this form in order to gain access to the Trello board.
In order to make sure that all contributors can benefit from our list of curated topics, contributors are only allowed to claim 4 topics at one time.
Once a contributor has claimed a topic and clicked "Claim topic" they have 1-month to submit an Answer on that topic. Otherwise, the Educative Answers team will remove the contributor from the card and place the card back in "Can be done".
If you have any questions regarding this process, please email answers@educative.io
Topic requests
We always welcome topic requests! If you are looking through our curated list of topics but do not see any topics that interest you, we encourage you to reach out to our team for topics.
To do so, send an email to answers@educative.io with your requested domain, languages, frameworks, and your
You have 1-month to write on any one topic you claim. If you do not write on your topic within 1-month of claiming it, it may be given away.